
Not Another Newsletter!

I'm in a whirlpool right now

Jenny Whirlpool

I mean, not literally. Although how good is that Photoshop job? (Kidding).

The reason for the fake pic, and my subject line, is this new book I’ve been telling you about. It. Is. Almost. Done. And it’s been the most exhilarating, exhausting, intense, high and low writing time of my life. You know how they say the best fiction has ties—at least tiny embedded tendrils—to real life, to who we are as people? I believe that is true for the authors and also for readers, the books that resonate most with us when we read them.

In some ways my new novel is about a family, turned up to 11. The members only learn what they really feel for each other when they are stolen away from one another. It took me a while to realize that while writing this book, I was having a watershed moment in my own deepest relationships, coming to terms with things said and unsaid.

In the book, my characters triumph--well, most of them--because they face up to the hard stuff. And that’s a page I took directly from my own life this year.

I really hope that sharing that with all of you doesn't amount to this song by The Bacon Brothers because my wish is that when this novel comes out, it not only thrills people, but helps anyone who has reason to go on a deep self-learning dive. They can lead to victory—just ask my characters.

In the Spotlight

Stolen Truth

I met this month's Spotlight author, Henya Drescher, on Medium, where we immediately connected as women writers interested in intense stories!

My debut novel, Stolen Truth, hits the shelves on March 18, 2021. People often ask what inspired me to write this novel. It is natural for me to write because I am an obsessive reader. I always envisioned writing a superhero-themed universe headed by a strong-willed female who must overcome many obstacles.

After years of pouring over every word, every sentence, I felt a need to see the story in print. The road to publication was bumpy, with at least 100 rejection letters. I remember being so disheartened, wondering whether the sacrifice of my evenings, weekends, and social life, were worth it. Eventually, I became numb, yet something kept probing at me to continue submitting. I finally got a contract with a top agent, who turned out to do little for me. I fired him and pursued smaller publishers. On the first try, I got a contract with Black Rose Publication. And now, finally, I can claim the words: published novelist.


February Rogue Reads

Rogue Women Writers

I became a proud member of the Rogue Women Writers this year. Every month we have a Zoom event called Rogue Reads with some seriously fab literary heavy hitters. Attendees are welcome to submit questions and comments in the chat and listen to a rollicking, fun conversation—with short readings from the authors’ new books. I’ll be MC-ing in February. Fan of Walter Mosely, Charles and Caroline Todd, and Dana Stabenow? You'll get to meet a brand new debut as well.

Tune in on Monday the 15th!

Email here for the Zoom link to register. Hope to cyber see you!


A Great Giveaway

New Year New Books

Fans of Wendy Walker and Nina Sadowsky, and um, about a zillion (okay, it's actually ten) other cool-as-you-know-what authors will want to enter this giveaway tout suite! My latest novel is included too. I could spend an entire winter curled up with these reads. Good luck!


See? Short

Big Gulp

It’s late as I write this, and my mind is whirring with lines from tomorrow’s final-chapters-before-the-climax. It’s hard to shut off a book at this stage, but getting to write all of you gives me a needed break.

I hope that the next time I send out a newsletter, the novel will be finished, and I’ll be able to share the next big gulp that is coming.

And it’s not the 7-11 soda kind.


Love from the Hills of Wedeskyull,


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